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Potty Training

The idea of potty training a child can be overwhelming especially for new parents. The common questions are when to start and how to actually do it. This article will help how to do it and once your child shows signs that he is ready, the process can be easier than you'd normally think. is a site that can help you with all your potty training needs.

First things first, your child must be willing to make the changes that are needed before toilet training. This means no more diapers and they should be wearing training pants or pull ups. This will usually happen between the 18th and 36th month.

Once they show signs of being ready, you can explain the process to them and let them understand. Make them comfortable around the potty and it helps that they see what is actually done. Demonstration is helpful.

Let them wear underwear or training pants instead of a diaper because diapers will make them feel that they can still wet or poo whenever or wherever they like. Tell them that underwear are what grownups wear and it’s time for them to use it.

Assist them when they need to go potty at first. Gradually decrease the level of assistance as the training process goes on. Eventually they will learn and be independent.

It is very important that you set a schedule for when they need to go to the bathroom. This will establish a routine and children loves routine. Don't disrupt that routine and if your child is absorbed with what he or she is doing and forgot about the potty time, just remind them.

With time and consistency, your child will learn. You just need to be patient. Also, you should expect that things will go wrong and everything won't be perfect. There will be accidental pooping in the underwear or wetness but just clean them as you normally would. Never scold the child and don't make them feel that you are disappointed.

Also, never rush a child. The potty training will only be effective when your child is ready and is willing. Potty training your kid should be taken slowly and it should never be rushed. If your child feels that they are rushed, that can lead to unnecessary pressure and can actually hinder the process even more.